The Sloth Institute Projects:
Rescue, Rehabilitate, Release
Since 2014 The Sloth Institute has specialized in the rescue, rehabilitation and release of both species of sloths found in Costa Rica. We have the most successful rehabilitation program for sloths in Costa Rica with over 90% of our patients surviving and being able to be released. We believe ALL sloths were born to be wild.
Sloths are starving to death before they can reach vital resources:
The idea for sloth speedways is to retain the connection of the forest away from the roads to prevent sloths from seeking out new habitats (across roads). This should help prevent migration to dangerous areas by allowing sloths to have access to the food and shelter they need.
Deforestation in the rainforest is the greatest threat that sloths face:
The best way to keep sloths safe and healthy is to keep their homes (the rainforest) healthy and connected! Since the beginning of 2024 we have started a tree nursery for planting different species of trees that benefits sloths and other species. By Adopting a Tree you can help support our efforts to reforest critical habitat for sloths.
In Honor of Monster the Sloth
In 2016, our generous donors helped us build “Monster’s WiSH Lab” a refurbished container that serves as our main research and clinical hub. As not a lot is known about sloths, every time we rescue a sloth we have a chance to collect critical data that can help save future lives. Along with learning about the behavioral ecology of sloths, we also believe it is important to learn about what makes a healthy sloth. What factors affect their ability to survive and thrive in the wild? In addition, we collaborate with scientists at universities around the world to conduct biological studies to help uncover more sloth secrets.
Groundbreaking Sloth Research
The very first program that TSI ever implemented (circa 2015) was our groundbreaking sloth tracking program. This program was so important to us because it was the first of its kind: tracking hand-raised orphaned sloths as they navigated their way back into the rainforest. We wanted to prove to ourselves and to others that hand-raised orphaned sloths are capable of living free in the wild again. Previous to our program, it had been believed by some in Costa Rica, that hand-raised sloths could not successfully reintegrate back into the wild and were therefore left to live their entire lives in cages.
Teaching Future Sloth Conservationists
Educating the next generation is the key to a better world. But educating the current generation is also essential. Our educational programs aim to educate all ages and nationalities. People all over the world have the potential to affect sloths in the wild.
Responsible Sloth Tourism
For some animals being cute and popular can actually be a curse! For sloths, many people seek out experiences with them without realizing that they are contributing to their poor welfare and actual extraction from the wild for these activities. Check out our Responsible sloth tourist information for more on how you can help save sloths, not hurt them.
Help us END Electrocutions
Electrocutions are the number one way that adult sloths are injured in Manuel Antonio. We are working to prevent electrocutions. Will you help us?
Take the TSI Slothwalk at Tulemar. As a part of TSI’s sloth research program, we have perfected the art of searching for and observing wild sloths. Come on the nature walk and learn how to spot sloths in the wild, all about our work and how to be a sloth conservation ambassador.
Pickup Times: 9:00 am (Available Monday – Friday)
Price: $25 per person donation
* Bring water, wear comfortable shoes, a hat, sunscreen and your binoculars!
By supporting TSI, you help fund our volunteer research and education programs directed at creating a positive change for community education and wildlife conservation programs. With your support, we can make a difference.

$5 = Feed a Sloth for a Day!
Just $5 will feed one of our sloths for a day - cecropia, ficus, and beach almond leaves collected by our volunteers from surrounding regions.

$35 = Help care for an electrocuted sloth for a week
Electrocution is the number one reason sloths are injured in Manuel Antonio - help us care for their needs for one week by covering gauze, burn cream, medical supplies, fluids and medications.

$100 = Donate to Feed a Sloth for 3 Weeks
Your donation will ensure the sloths are fed nutritious and wholesome food, including leaves, goat's milk, and Pedialyte for three weeks!

$250 = Fund a Radio Collar!
Help us purchase one collar to track a sloth! Collars help us track sloths so we can make sure they are doing well after release - information we use to improve our rehabilitation programs and learn more about wild sloth ecology.