ConservationReleased SlothsSloth Diaries

A couple of weeks ago, good samaritans saw Alicia, a young adult female two-fingered sloth, get electrocuted, right in the heart of Manual Antonio off of the main road. Multiple people called us to let us know what happened and stayed with Alicia until we arrived on the scene for her rescue. Interestingly, Alicia was electrocuted on wires that are already insulated. However, sadly enough, insulated wires do not provide 100% protection from electrocutions. Luckily for Alicia her burns seem mostly concentrated on just her face. While facial burns are particularly painful (because of the highly vascular areas on their faces – especially the nose) her burns do not seem too deep and we expect her to make a full recovery.
Please follow along for more updates of Alicia’s story as she regains her strength to return to the wild.
You can also symbolically adopt Alicia and contribute to her care while she is rehabilitating with us at TSI. She would really appreciate that!!

How is Alicia doing? I am writing my first report for school and I chose sloths as my subject. I found out they are endangered and it made me worry about them. Alicia looked like she was hurt the most so I picked her. I am going to use my allowance money to help her. This is my mom’s email address. She is helping me send this. My name is Aoife.
I adopted Alicia for my niece for Christmas. Any update on how she is doing?