

+506 8775 6847

The Sloth Institute
C/O Tulemar Gardens
Calle Principal, Manuel Antonio, Quepos
Provincia de Puntarenas
Costa Rica 60601

Janet examining a sloth

Janet Sandi Carmiol

Veterinary Advisor
Janet is a Licensed Veterinarian in Costa Rica. In addition to working with TSI she also runs a small animal practice, is a Professor at UTN and is an Advising veterinarian at other 3 Wildlife Facilities in Costa Rica.

Janet's Biography

Janet received her license as a veterinary surgeon in 2006. At the beginning of vet school she loved animals but wasn’t sure which species to focus on until one day…she got to work with sloths and it just clicked!  At that point she knew that was all she wanted to do: study, rescue, rehab them.  

Why I love sloths

It is so amazing to see how strong these species are.  They just don’t give up, so no one should give up on them! I have so many stories along the years and they keep impressing me every single day!