Tilly is the December Sloth of The Month!
Tilly was rescued in 2018 after an investigation by our team uncovered her being held illegally in a garage as a selfie prop for tourists to hold and take photos with. Upon discovered, Tilly was malnourished, sick and weak. She also had painted nails as if she was being treated like a doll. You can tell from the photo to the right that she was in bad shape.

After quickly writing a lengthy report on what we discovered and attaching photographic proof, we delivered the information to the local authorities hoping that Tilly would be rescued immediately. Unfortunately, it took over a month for officers to act and save Tilly from her daily exploitation routine.
After rescue, we feared the worst. That it would be too late to save her as she was already sick when we had first seen her and it had been over a month in the same conditions: living in a garage, with dogs and without a proper diet.
Finally rescued!

At initial rescue, Tilly was taken to another facility that didn’t have as much experience with three-fingered sloths. When we called to check on her we were told that she wasn’t eating and they were concerned. We immediately stepped into action and offered to go to that facility and deliver fresh leaves and other three-fingered sloth favorite treats. After some gentle coaxing by our team, Tilly sniffed the leaves and finally started eating! We were so excited!
After that day we visited Tilly regularly to deliver the best leaves to make sure that she continued eating and thriving. After a month, Tilly was transferred into our released program where we continued her rehabilitation until she was healthy and big enough to return to the wild with a tracking collar of course so we could follow her progress and make sure she was thriving back in the rainforest where she belonged.

An incredible mother
Now, it’s five years after her release and we couldn’t be more proud of how far Tilly has come! From slowly dying in a garage while people take photos with her to the Queen of the jungle. She has not only successfully reintegrated back into the wild, but she has also become the most successful mother we have had the pleasure to observe. Currently raising her 5th baby, Tilly holds the record for the largest babies at weaning weight. This is incredible considering everything she has been through and it shows how well she is able to set her own offspring up for success for their own futures in the wild.
By symbolically adopting Tilly you help to fund our important work to save more sloths JUST like Tilly.