Meet Baby Sloth Cookie!

Cookie was orphaned as a tiny newborn when he was found on the rainforest ground all alone. The good samaritans that found him left him on the ground for a night in hopes that mom would return. Sadly, when they returned to check on Cookie, he was still on the ground and in need of help. That was when The Sloth Institute was called to rescue tiny baby Cookie.
Unfortunately, Cookie was not completely healthy. He had very flakey skin which was caused by a bad mite infection. Mites may not sound that bad, but on a tiny baby sloth they can actually lead to premature death because of dehydration and secondary bacterial infections caused from damaged skin. Luckily for Cookie, treatment for mites is very simple and he recovered quickly. He is now growing well drinking his surrogate milk (goat milk) and eating fresh leaves and flowers every day.
Cookie is now a star pupil in TSI’s Sloth School Program for orphaned sloths. Once he is big enough he will meet other sloths and be well on his way to being released back into the rainforest where he belongs.
Cookie is so cute. Today he is half a year old. I feel so bad for cookie when they found him. I adopted cookie a few days ago and all i can think about is what is cookie doing. I love cookie so much.
I love Cookie too!