You may remember, everyone’s favorite sloth, three-fingered, Humpty Dumpty who came to us as an adorable small baby in April 2019. This poor baby was in shock and having weird neurological symptoms.
After bringing Humpty back from near death, we stabilized him and took him for a CT scan. Sadly, the scan revealed that he was suffering from multiple fractures all over his body including his skull! The prognosis was very guarded. How could such a tiny baby recover from such serious injuries?!
But, Humpty was a fighter and showed us that he was going to get better! Thankfully, with each new day, he started behaving more normally, and he was eating better. While it took Humpty a bit longer to gain weight than the rest of the orphaned three-fingered sloths in our rehab program, he finally got to release weight and now he is such a handsome young man with a gorgeous back patch!

As Humpy Dumpty had a rough start in life, he will be tracked post-release so that his story and data can be included in our long-term, groundbreaking, study of how to best rehabilitate and release orphaned sloths in Costa Rica!
Only because of YOUR support we have been able to successfully hand-raise and release sloths since 2014 – even when at the time it was commonly thought by other centers in Costa Rica, not to be possible!
If you would like to help support us in his post-release monitoring, symbolically adopt adopt Humpty Dumpty or donate to TSI to help all of our sloths in care.