Adopt-A-SlothConservationCurrently Available SlothsReleased SlothsSloth Diaries

Elsa, an older baby 3 fingered sloth, was appropriately named because when she was rescued, we found her two legs were ‘frozen’. She was found dangling from a vine in the forest clinging only by her arms. Her back legs weren’t working properly yet weren’t fully paralyzed. This condition is known as paresis. We aren’t exactly sure how she was injured (possibly a fall) but x-rays show no structural damage to her spine, indicating it is due to muscle damage instead.
Since her arrival Elsa has made great strides. She was once extremely painful and aggressive because of her fear and pain. After 2 weeks of treatment she is no longer in pain and is able to move her feet and legs more. We just started acupuncture therapy to aid in her recovery more quickly. She still has a long way to go and needs to get bigger before she can be released, but we are pleased with her progress thus far and believe in her!

Go Elsa!!! You are strong and you are beautiful ❤️
How can I adopt this little girl?
Yes little one! Be brave!
Crossing fingers. Your picture is now in our home, Elsa. Hope we helped a little. Waiting for more good news 🙂
You’re in my prayers Elsa and I ²nd the previous comment!!!
Hugs long time & ßesos…
Elsa you remind me so much of myself. In December 2019 my legs stopped working! But I had surgery and learned to walk again. I wobble sometimes but it is all good. You got this baby girl! I believe in you! XOXO
your strong elsa
Its an incredible and touching story! Hope she is doing great 🙂
Omg acupuncture for sloths – so cool! You go Elsa!
How is she doing?