Known for their slow peaceful lifestyle, sloths rely heavily on their natural habitat, the beautiful rainforest, to survive. Sloths not only sleep, eat and mate in the trees, they even give birth within the tree canopy! However, sloths’ vital habitats are seriously threatened due to deforestation and fragmentation, and, sadly, they cannot adapt to their rapidly changing world. They are defenseless and vulnerable. They are trapped.
Sloth homes are vanishing at an alarming rate.
Relying on the rainforest comes at a great cost. Desperate to escape feared predators or find essential food and shelter, they will do anything to survive! It is not uncommon for sloths to travel on electrical power lines. This sometimes results in electrocutions, which either kills them or leaves them horribly maimed and in severe pain.
The Sloth Institute is asking for your help to make a real difference in their lives.
We help sloths survive in their drastically altered habitat. We rescue sick, injured, and tortured sloths by nursing and rehabilitating them with expert care until they can be released back into the wild. We collect crucial data to give us a better understanding of their behaviors, environment, and diet. Our research program contributes to our high success rate of 94% for rehabilitating and releasing sloths back to their habitat!
Over the last 18 months, we have rescued 106 sloths. Over 50% were in trouble or injured due to the consequences of human development. Others were sick, orphaned, attacked by dogs or hit by cars. Sadly, 30% were pulled off of wires or electrocuted. This is a high number, but there are likely more cases in our area that we are not notified about.
Sloths are in danger and we need YOUR help to continue this important work! Without donations from supporters like you, Phantom and Britney wouldn’t have survived.
Phantom, a two-fingered sloth, was electrocuted when trying to cross the road from the tops of the very highest electric wires. After a bright flash of light, her body went limp and she fell to the ground. Witnesses feared that Phantom was dead, but after a few moments — miraculously — she tried to crawl away. At this crucial moment, The Sloth Institute’s response team came to the rescue! But Phantom’s injuries were terrible. Her face was completely burned. Her skin was hanging off, or charred from the electrical fire. Phantom was helpless, suffering, and in serious pain.

Britney, another two-fingered sloth was rescued by firefighters from electrical wires. They called The Sloth Institute to collect her. Britney appeared to be unharmed, but upon a health exam and blood work, we discovered that she was harboring a very severe bacterial infection. This occurs with electrocutions, as it kills the tissues in the body and often takes days or weeks to show the full extent of the damage. Without the intensive treatment she received from TSI, Britney likely would not have survived.
We are pleased to report that both girls are recovering from their awful traumas and are doing well! Their wounds are healing as their bellies and hearts are filled with TLC and copious amounts of tasty fresh leaves. As soon as their wounds are fully repaired, they will be released in a nearby forest. Because of our ground-breaking post-release research that is vital to the survival of sloths, we know exactly how and where to release them.
We need your help more than ever. With your support, we can continue to rescue more sloths like Phantom and Britney by giving them the fighting chance that they deserve. Please support our research and rehabilitation program to ensure a healthy sloth population for years to come.
The sloths are depending on your generosity to live their best sloth lives in the wild!