The #StopAnimalSelfies campaign was created by the MINAE/SINAC offices of the government of Costa Rica in order to educate tourists about the dangers and cruelty surrounding the wildlife photo prop industry.
Wildlife all over the world are facing an extinction crisis caused by habitat destruction and the illicit trade. This illegal trade in wild animals can take on many faces with many places even posing as “rescue centers” or “sanctuaries” pretending to benefit animal welfare. But any place that allows/encourages you to touch, feed, or take selfies with wild animals does not have their best interest in mind.

TSI was so excited when we were asked to join this campaign! Our stuffed mascot, Freedom, who has been taking selfies with tourists for a couple of years now, has many new stuffed animal friends to help spread the message to #StopAnimalSelfies and to #SayNoToSlothSelfies