Bono is a young male two-fingered sloth that was electrocuted. At first his burns didn’t look bad at all but just like with other electrocutions, they got worse over time.
He spent over 2 months with us healing his burns. He was a very aggressive sloth which at first made cleaning his wounds very tricky but we discovered that he loves pedialyte and carrots. With these treats he was able to relax on the table and receive his treatments! Luckily Bono made a full recovery and is now back in the wild!
Watch the video below of Bono eating his carrots on the exam table during one of his treatments
The daily habits of the bradypus and its two-toed cousin, the choloepus, are a mystery to science. Until Becky began her research, no one knew how long they took to digest their food. Becky discovered that every leaf they eat spends 31 days in their digestive system, which means almost all their energy goes into digesting food. No wonder they don’t move very quickly. The sanctuary is run by an Alaskan woman, Judy Avey-Arroyo, who has lived in Costa Rica with her husband Luis since the. They were running a hotel at the site in the when some children brought them a sickly baby sloth they had found. That was Buttercup, the first in a population that now tops 150 – half of them rescued babies, the others adults with serious injuries.
What you looking at? The sloths will have to get used to stardom once their show goes out to UK audiences