ConservationReleased SlothsSloth Diaries

Remember Dumbo and his mom Mrs.Jumbo?
Dumbo was recently weaned from his mom! TSI was able to give him a quick health check right after she naturally weaned him and he’s a great weight and very healthy!
Sloth Director Sam Trull says, ” It’s so exciting that our intervention early on in his life worked so well!”
To celebrate, you can now symbolically adopt Dumbo! Visit our Adopt A Sloth page and find Dumbo under Wild Sloths.
Id love to adopt a sloth i love them but isnt that illigal in some countries i just wanted to ask☺
Sloths are wild animals and if you really love sloths, please admire them in their natural habitat, which is the rainforest. When we offer sloths on our website for “adoption”, it is a symbolic gesture. We are asking sloth lovers to donate to help sloths. The only reason TSI has sloths in our care is because they are injured or sick and can not survive on their own. As soon as they are rehabilitated, we immediately release them back to the wild where they belong.
Please never pay or visit an establishment that offers to take photos or hold or feed sloths. Those businesses are unethical and purely are offering tourist attractions to make money. The sloths are suffering in those situations and we are trying to combat these activities and rescue the sloths to return them to the wild.