ConservationReleased SlothsSloth Diaries
We have two new sloths we rescued receiving medical care and rehabilitation at The Sloth Institute. Welcome Popcorn and Simba!

Popcorn – Juvenile 2F that fell because of being very sick and weak. Turned out she had a really bad mange infection. After a few months of treatment she is doing really well and looking much better! She just needs to gain some more weight and then she will be ready for release.
Simba – Juvenile male 3F found sick on the ground at a nearby hotel. He had a bacterial infection and parasites. He is doing much better and once he gains some more weight he can be released!

I think Popcorn is so cute! I hope soon he gets released.
I want to Adopt popcorn and Simba
I will take care of them
I have a cute toy look like a ?