The Sloth Institute first met Lumiere when he was 3 months old with his mom, Mrs. Potts. About a month later during one of our sloth walks, Lumiere was found separated from his mom. They were reunited but sadly they did not show any interest in each other even though he was not quite big enough to be on his own.
Lumiere needed to be in our care until he was strong enough to be released back into the wild and that time has come! He has increased his size by over 1 kilogram and is strong, independent, and grumpy! Being another three-fingered baby when rescued; Lumiere is a real success story! We recently released him back into the territory where he was found but is wearing a tracking collar so we can learn from him and also check in to see how he is doing.
Help us wish Lumiere a happy farewell back into the wild!