ConservationReleased SlothsSloth Diaries

About a month ago The Sloth Institute received an urgent phone call at 3am resulting in us picking up a 2 fingered female who was electrocuted when she climbed on top of a transformer. The electrocution went all the way to her left eye and down her body. Help us wish her a speedy recovery in the comments below!
UPDATE: We named her Dolly. TSI treated her injuries and we are happy to say that her eye is fine now!
Querida Sam , siento mucha alegría saber que la perezosa se haya recuperado , ojalá siempre fuese así , que linda vida , una hermosa oportunidad , ustedes realizan un trabajo invaluable, gracias por presentarme a esos adorables seres , los amo .
Querida Sam , siento mucha alegría saber que la perezosa se haya recuperado , ojalá siempre fuese así , que linda vida , una hermosa oportunidad , ustedes realizan un trabajo invaluable, gracias por presentarme a esos adorables seres , los amo .