We’ve been counting down the days until Christmas! Several sloths have shared their holiday wishes. Let’s hope they come true…. with your help!
Visit tsi.charity.org to fulfill a sloth wish or two from your favorite sloths.
Esperanza’s Holiday Wish… is to end the sloth trade. She was saved from captives who used her for tourist entertainment. Today she is wild, healthy and free!
Amy’s Holiday Wish… is that orphaned babies are found before they die. She was one of the lucky ones and today is thriving in TSI’s care.
Merlin’s Holiday Wish... is that all sloths get to live a long happy life. Merlin is over 12 years old!
Keanu’s Holiday Wish… is that there is always enough Pedialyte and medications for those of us in care at TSI.
Dany’s Holiday Wish… is that her babies can grow up wild and free with enough trees in the rainforest for food, safety and travel. Dany has had 2 known babies since we started tracking her in 2016.
Destiny’s Holiday Wish… is that even more sloths are rescued through the Saving Sloths Together program, a joint rescue effort with our partner Toucan Rescue Ranch. Destiny is proud to be one of the fortunate ones rescued and rehabbed, thanks to SST.
Mrs. Jumbo and Dumbo’s Holiday Wish… is that all mama sloths could raise their babies til they are healthy to be on their own. We rescued these two when Dumbo was found without his mom. Luckily we reunited them but Mrs. Jumbo needed some medical care. Today, Mrs Jumbo and Dumbo are back in the wild! We are supervising them closely and they are both doing great. We even saw Dumbo climb on his own!
Lumiere’s Holiday Wish… is that he becomes an expert using Sloth Speedways. He’ll be released soon so he will be using them quite often!
Aladdin’s Holiday Wish… is that people continue to educate and learn about sloth ecology and why the world needs sloths! Aladdin has a popular photo where he demonstrates sloths’ ability to have thriving algae on their fur! (It’s the most algae we have seen on a sloth thus far!)
Judy Garland’s Holiday Wish… is the success of TSI’s sloth tracking education project. It is important to her because Judy is the first female wild two-fingered sloth with a baby that TSI started tracking.
Cher’s Holiday Wish… is that all female sloths can have the chance to be amazing mamas! Cher’s baby was born last January and is now almost a year old (and should be weaned soon)! She is a wild sloth and we are tracking her to ensure her and her baby continue to be healthy and that we learn as much as we can from her curiously unique behaviors (we think we’ve seen her kissing another sloth who might be one of her other babies!)
Pocahontas ’s Holiday Wish… is that no sloth ever has to starve or go hungry. Poca loves food!! Sloths in the wild need specific leaves but due to deforestation, sloths lose connections to their known food sources and end up killed or maimed when climbing electrical poles or crossing highways.