The time has come. Every time another sloth is rescued I make them a promise. For Kermie and Ellen.
I promised them that I would never stop trying to get them safely and responsibly released. Today we are fulfilling a HUGE part of that promise, what we are calling “the big release” and I couldn’t be more excited! A little over a year ago, together with Seda we founded The Sloth Institute (TSI).

We hope, that over time they will gradually find more and more food and shelter outside of the cage and we can stop helping them…. but this will all be done at their pace and when they are ready. Additionally, both Ellen and Kermie are fitted with VHF tracking collars which will enable the TSI research team to track them no matter where they go in the jungle and ensure that they are ok and record their behaviors and food choices in the forest. While tracking Ellen and Kermie we will also take data on wild sloths in the same area to have a comparison of what Ellen and Kermie should be doing when outside of the cage.
As excited as I am for this next step for Ellen and Kermie…I am also very nervous. This could be a complete failure and they may never really learn how to live in the forest again. That is definitely my biggest fear and we truly have no idea how what will happen. The only thing I am sure of is that now they have a chance…and that we have literally done EVERYTHING we could possibly do to make it the best chance possible. Thank you to everyone who has helped and supported us along the way! Please stay tuned for more updates as we go on this journey with Ellen and Kermie and the big release! #thebigrelease #helpusgobackhome #slothlove